Dedicated to the memory of Judy Mary Hearnden

On the 28th November our much loved mum passed away in her sleep after a short illness.

Mum was a complete one off, a free spirit, and from her days as a beautiful little girl she always knew her own mind. Therefore, it will come as no surprise that mum left us with some fairly explicit instructions about her final goodbye.

She was never one for funerals, so when she became aware of ‘direct cremations’, those closest to her kind of knew what was coming…. However we want to take the opportunity to create something that is befitting of the very special person mum was; that celebrates her life; recognises what she meant to us all; that creates a record of memories, stories and anecdotes to help keep her memory alive, particularly with her youngest grandchildren and soon to be first born great grandchild, who all will grow up with none of their own memories of their (great) grandma; and of course to help us show our love & affection for her, in our own unique ways, and through these, play our own special part in her final journey.

We would ask that you each take a moment or two to remember her, in a way that is special to you, on the 13th December at 8.45am, when she will begin her final journey. Whether that be reflecting on a happy memory that you shared together, listening to a song that you associate with her, leafing through some old photos, or anything else, whatever that may be. The only thing we would ask is should tears be shed, try and make them as much about joy and laughter as sadness at her passing. Our hope is the combination of all our thoughts, smiles, laughter and tears, will help lift her to a happy place, alongside those she loved and lost along her life’s journey.

If it’s not too much trouble we would also invite you to share with us a memory, an anecdote, a story, a photo, a message about mum, and if you feel able, please also include what you did at 8.45am on the 13th to remember her, and why that thought, that song or whatever else it may be, was special to you and her. We would ask that you share your memories here on, using the 'contribute' function.

We are inviting donations to Barnado’s, recognising the special connection mum had with children throughout her life. Whether it be sons, daughters, grandchildren, nephews & nieces, or children from the wider family, or as ‘Auntie Jude’ to the kids of her many friends, she really did create an instant connection with children that, in so many instances, remained into adulthood. That said, please don’t feel under any obligation to donate.

Emma, will be collating all the shared messages to create a book of memories that the family will cherish, and use to keep her memory very much alive. If you’d prefer to share directly with Emma, rather than post on here, then please email to Again, please don’t feel under any obligation to do so, but if you feel able it would be hugely appreciated by us all.

Our intention is to arrange a gathering early in the new year for family and friends who can make it, to share food (all mum's favourite dishes), a few drinks, and lots of memories of a life well lived. We hope to have mum’s book of memories available, with a few readings to look forward to from members of the family, accompanied by a playlist of her favourite songs. We all know that mum in her pomp loved a party, and was a warm, welcoming and quite brilliant host. Details will follow over the next couple of weeks……

And finally, close family will gather at Redcar Beach, on what would have been her 80th birthday, to scatter her, and her beloved Roy’s, ashes. Reuniting them to enjoy the waves and the sea air, in their happy place, forever more.

With love and thanks for the love, happiness, joy & laughter you brought to mum during her life,

Jane, Mark, Andy, Emma & Simon xxxxx


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