Farewell & thank you mum

Created by Mark one year ago


Our journey through life as mum & son was far from ordinary, it was quite extraordinary. Like all relationships we had our ups and downs along the way but in our case the good times definitely far outweighed any of our challenges. However even the challenges, whilst I didn’t necessarily recognise it at the time, helped build & shape my character, and ultimately made so much possible in my life.

My abiding memories of you will be of the fun, the laughter, the wise counsel you gave me in my times of need, and your deep care for and of me, from childhood to the day you bid farewell to the world. Your love for me was unwavering as was mine for you.

As a grandma you were peerless, with my only regret being that Elba & Luciella, due to your deteriorating health, not getting to experience the quite same as Ben & Jasmin. That said you have left us with so many wonderful memories to share with them as they continue to grow from little people to adulthood, which will help us to make sure they never forget their Grandma Judy, and are positively influenced by who you were, and the life you lived.

I will miss you dearly but you live on within us all - in our memories, in our hearts and in our thoughts.

Sleep tight mum, and be at peace now you are reunited with your beloved Roy.

With eternal love & thanks for all that you brought to my life.

Your son, Mark xxxx