Judy, sorry Auntie Judy, oh and latterly, mum. You were a constant throughout my life. You changed my nappies, read me bed time stories when you came round for supper with my mum and dad. Left plenty of musical memories forever in my mind from those nights; Dr Hook, John Denver and Hot Chocolate to name a few.
I can say I loved spending New Years at the flat on the prom when I was a wee lad. The odd glass or two of Martini and plenty of food and joyous times.
You were there in a time of need, in my early teens, with a loving and caring ear. You always gave me sound advice and also a strong word when it was needed.
I can never forget my mum on the phone for hours to you. I never heard my mother laugh in such a way than she did with you. I wasn’t allowed to know the reasons why until I had come of age at sixteen. The jokes you told me would make a nun weep and a priests toes curl! Funny yes, extremely rude very much so!
Later on you would become more than just my mum and dad’s friend, but a second mum. Marrying Emma was and still is the best thing I have ever done to this day.
We had so many great times together, whether at flat 2 or on our holidays away in Yorkshire. Taking grandma away on one and laughing at your reaction to being summoned to her bedroom, was just hilarious. Splashing around at Redcar Beach and my unwavering desire to swim in the North Sea in the middle of November. This you thought absolute madness and extremely funny, especially when I dove in too early and grazed both my knees on the shale and sand.
Spending countless hours chatting over countless cuppa’s and plenty of cigarettes.
A guiding light to Emma and I in our early days of parenthood, which gave us a solid start to family life.
You were a loving grandma to Josh, Sam, Becky and Zach.
We all know that life never runs in a straight line and would be wrong for me to say our life was full of sweetness and light. We did have our differences at times, but at the end of the day I knew you would be there should I need an ear or support.
From my early years and to this day I will always know, see, hear and love my brighter than bright and larger than life Man in the Moon! Shine bright in the sky above us for always.
Love always
Paul xxxx